Monday, April 4, 2016

Spring Break Sonnet

Spring break was not as much fun as I planned
I sat around all day wishing to play
Sometimes were super, some were very bland
I went outside and laid during the day
I was hoping and wishing for a tan
I had a lot of weird and stupid chores
I wish it was hot enough for a fan
My mom would even have me wash the doors
Oreo's were my favorite this break
K's park was the best when boredom would reach
Sat inside so much I got a head ache
Stayed home while people were at the beach
We would walk around town and have some fun
I saw a dude with a righteous man bun


  1. This poem was neat
    A bit more rhyme
    but the explanation was too discrete
    but other then that, there was no crime

  2. Dear Abby,

    Your poem had a beautiful flow
    You had an interesting break, you must know
    Even so, try to use unique words
    Jumble it up, rearrange like a flock of birds

  3. Your poem is amazing
    It was blazing
    Try to improve on some words
    If you did it would fly like birds
