Monday, April 4, 2016

Insult Poem

Remember you are my brother
Not my mother
You cannot tell me what to do
You smell like the dogs doo-doo

Why do you always think you're so good at everything
You barely made the varsity team
You need to lose some weight good fellow
because now you're starting to look like jello

You think you're so cool
just admit it, you look like a fool
Yes, you are older than me
but I'm the better one can't you see

How can you make it to state
but yet you can't even score a date
All you do is play on your video game
but I do love you because we are the same


  1. Dear Abby,
    Your insults were very vivid
    It made me livid
    You could work on your word choice
    And it will make you have a bigger voice

  2. Sup Abby,
    I think your brother needs some ice
    Becasue your burns were very nice.
    But everything and team don't rhyme
    I hope you can fix it in time.
