Monday, April 4, 2016

Spring Break Sonnet

Spring break was not as much fun as I planned
I sat around all day wishing to play
Sometimes were super, some were very bland
I went outside and laid during the day
I was hoping and wishing for a tan
I had a lot of weird and stupid chores
I wish it was hot enough for a fan
My mom would even have me wash the doors
Oreo's were my favorite this break
K's park was the best when boredom would reach
Sat inside so much I got a head ache
Stayed home while people were at the beach
We would walk around town and have some fun
I saw a dude with a righteous man bun

Insult Poem

Remember you are my brother
Not my mother
You cannot tell me what to do
You smell like the dogs doo-doo

Why do you always think you're so good at everything
You barely made the varsity team
You need to lose some weight good fellow
because now you're starting to look like jello

You think you're so cool
just admit it, you look like a fool
Yes, you are older than me
but I'm the better one can't you see

How can you make it to state
but yet you can't even score a date
All you do is play on your video game
but I do love you because we are the same

Monday, January 11, 2016

My short story


 Love Hurts
By, Abby Stephens
                “No you cannot go out to that party! You are too young and easy to capture!” argued Peyton’s mom.
            “Mom you never let me do anything! I’m practically an adult mom, I need some freedom!”
            Peyton slammed the door sending an echo throughout the lonely house. Peyton is a 17 year old girl that is homeschooled because her mom thinks she could get terribly ill at a public school. Peyton has long blonde hair that shines like gold and snow white skin with bright red lips. She has the most beautiful green eyes that shimmer just like her dads. Peyton’s dad died in a car wreck driving home from work then got hit by a drunk driver, ever since Peyton’s mom, Terry, is very protective over Peyton.
            “Peyton open the door! I am your mother!”
            “Yeah but I wished you weren’t.” whispered Peyton.
             You could hear Terry walk back down the stairs. Peyton rolled her eyes back at the door. Peyton laid in bed looking through the window and eventually fell asleep. Peyton woke up seeing someone pull into the house across the street that has been for sale for about a year. She looks closely out her window trying to get a glimpse of who it might be. He was tall and covered in tattoos, brown flowy hair, and green glowing eyes just like hers, he was muscular and cute just like she hoped. She leans closer to the glass and the boy turns around and catches her staring. She jumped back and hit the floor, the boy laughed and took his bags into the house. Peyton smiled.
            “Mom we have a new neighbor, let’s go say hi!” Peyton screams while she runs down the stairs.
            “Peyton how many times do I have to tell you, don’t run down the stairs. You could get hurt!”
            “Ok mom whatever.”
            Peyton runs out the door to the neighbor’s house, forgetting her shoes and jacket in the cold state of Colorado where the high that day will be 23 degrees. She made it to the door out of breath. She knocked.
            “Hello.” Answered the new boy.
            “Hi my names Peyton. I see you moved in, not like I’m watching you or anything, like I watched you move in, but I’m not just stalking you because that would be weird.” Peyton hits herself in the forehead. “Ok let me restart that. Hi my name is Peyton, nice to meet you.”
            She stuck her hand out to shake his hand. He had the most firm yet gentle handshake.
            “My names Cameron, you can call me Cam for short, but nice to meet you.” He smiled a beautiful smile that melted Peyton’s heart. She knew she was in love. “Hey, I’m going to a party tonight with a few guys out of town. Want to come?” "Yeah!" said Peyton.
            “Ok great, be ready at 8 tonight.” Cam walked back in the house. Peyton was filled with excitement and ran back to the house still not realizing she had no shoes on.
            “How was the new neighbor?” asked Terry.
            “He’s great!” Screamed Peyton. “I mean, he’s pretty cool I guess.” Peyton blushed.
            “Well what is he like?” wondered Terry.
            “He’s my age. I think, he looks like it. He’s super cute and has brown hair. I don’t really need to mention the tattoos.” Peyton said to herself. He seems pretty nice though. Oh and mom, he asked me to go show him around tonight. You know, so he can get used to the town.”
            “Umm. I guess. Just please be careful. Take your phone and just in case put this pepper spray in your bag!”
            “Ok mom!” Peyton rolled her eyes.
            Hours passed by and it was finally time to go to the party. Peyton felt bad about lying but she knew her mom would never let her go to a party with a boy she had just met. Cam came to her house and parked his car. There was a knocking at the door.
            “Hey Cam! Are you ready?”
            “Yeah let’s head out.” Cam grabs Peyton’s hand as if they knew each other for years. They go out and get in his car.
            “Ok let’s get to know each other. You obviously know my name, but I’m 19 and moved here from my hometown in Florida. I was in college but I couldn’t pay rent anymore, my roommate left and never told me where he went. So I dropped out and someone suggested here. I found the house and I decided to move there. I live by myself, my parents left me in a foster home when I was 4.” Cam explained.
            “Oh, well, I’m 17 and I’m home schooled because my mom is too scared I could get sick at public. My dad died when I was 8 and ever since my mom has been super protective.”
            “Well I would hate to have a mom like that, you must hate her.”
            “I don’t exactly hate her I just wish she would leave me alone.” Said Peyton in a winy tone.
            “I can take care of that.” Smirked Cam. Peyton laughed taking it as a joke. They’ve been driving for an hour now and still haven’t gotten to the party. Peyton was starting to become suspicious.
            “Cam where are we going?”
            “We are going to the party just chill.”
            “Cam, stop and turn around. I don’t like this.” Cam pulled over on the side of the road.
“Whatever you want.” Cam hit Peyton with an old pipe he had under his seat. He grabbed her and through her out far into the woods knowing when she woke up she wouldn’t be able to find her way home. Cam wrote a note saying, “This is what is best for you. I’m taking you away from your mom, that’s all you wanted, and don’t worry I’ll take care of your mom. I just want you to be happy. Love, Cam.” He put the note in her pocket. He started his car and left in a flash. Peyton woke up to the sound of a car racing down the highway. She looked up not knowing what’s going on, she felt a throbbing in her head and reached up to feel it. She felt a big bump and looked back down at her fingers and saw that they were covered in blood. She couldn’t remember what happened. She looked in her purse and grabbed her phone, it was 9 o’clock am. She felt something jab her in her pocket. She pulled out the letter and read it slowly. She couldn’t believe it.
            “Is this really happening? I have to get back home and save mom!” but Peyton fell in the feeling of failure thinking she had no way to get back home. She sat and cried. A few minutes later her phone buzzed with a warning. It was an alert from her mom’s phone. The alert stated that she has been away from the house for a certain amount of hours so it is sending a police officer to go pick her up.
            “Oh my gosh, my mom chipped my phone, someone is on the way! Thank you mom for being crazy and overprotective!” Peyton waited as a police officer showed up 10 minutes later. Peyton jumped in the car. Peyton explained everything to the officer and had him take her home immediately. The officer and Peyton walk into the house slowly, the officer checked upstairs and Peyton was downstairs. Peyton heard a scream in the basement she ran down to see her mom tied up in a chair with a sock in her mouth, but no sign of Cam. Peyton turns around and sees Cam.
            “Let her go” Peyton ran at Cam. The cop runs down stairs hearing the racket. The cop gabbed Cams arms from behind him.
            “You are under arrest, come with me.”
            “Peyton I did this for you! For you!” Cam got drugged out of the house by the cop.
            “Mom! I’m so happy you are ok!” Peyton rushed over and hugged her mom. They talked about how they were both so worried for each other. The cop walked back inside.
            “This isn’t the first time Cameron has done something like this. His roommate that went missing was because of Cameron. He drugged his roommate and left him to die in the middle of nowhere. He has a condition of where he gets very attached to people but then will try to hurt them if they disagree. It’s called Borderline Personality Disorder.” Peyton and her mom felt safe knowing Cam was gone.
            “Never leave me.”

            “Never in a million years.”

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Hey this is Abby's blog. Have a nice day fellow humans.